He Said, She Said bridal shower game is all about fun and making memories! Guests answer questions about the couple's relationship, personalities, hobbies, and funny stories, discovering hilarious things they never knew about the couple and making the game even more entertaining.
Ensure the game's questions suit the bride's personality and the guests so everyone can enjoy the activity without any awkwardness. And for lingerie or bachelorette parties, let the fun and wild answers fly!
In this post, I’ll explain the basic rules of the He Said, She Said bridal shower game and share some useful tips to make it more fun. I’ve also included some FREE printables you can easily access and print whenever needed.
What Do You Need to Play the He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game?
- Printable Game Cards: Each player will need a "He Said, She Said" Bridal Shower Game card. You can personalize the game card design to fit the theme, venue, or bridal shower location.
- A pen or pencil
- An Answer Key: This is used to check the questions asked in the game.
- Game prizes for the winners! Consider buying extra rewards in case of multiple winners. Also, having a grand prize for the overall winner and awards for the second and third places will add much motivation to the game.

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"He Said She Said" Template
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and add your fun questions!
How to Play He Said She Said
One to two weeks before the bridal shower, it's a good idea to sit down with the bride (or both the bride and groom) and ask them around 10 to 15 questions. This will help you create your answer key to check the answers from the guests during the game.
You can email them the questions or record their answers on video, which you can then show to the guests as the correct responses are revealed. This way, you'll have everything prepared and organized before the big day!
He Said She Said Game Rules:
- Handing Out Game Cards:
- Each player gets a 'He Said, She Said' game card and a pen or pencil.
- Answering Questions:
- Players read the questions on their cards and guess what they think the bride, groom, or both would answer for each question. You can set a timer to control time.
- Checking Answers:
- After everyone finishes guessing, go through the questions to see who got the most right. The bride can reveal the answers, or the host can use an answer key.
- You can also add some fun by using props like these DIY lips and mustaches or pictures of the bride and groom.
- Scoring:
- You can choose if each person will add up their points or exchange their game cards with another player for grading. Whoever has the most right answers wins a prize!
- Ensure everyone writes their name and points down so the winner can prove they won when getting their prize.
He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game Questions
This list contains some of the most popular and versatile "he said, she said" questions, perfect for crafting activity cards that'll make your bridal shower games a hit!
- Who said "I love you" first?
- Who proposed?
- Who met the future in-laws first?
- Who initiated the first kiss?
- Who's more romantic?
- Who was more nervous on their first date?
- Who plans the dates?
- Who made the first move?
- Who is more likely to initiate a hug or kiss?
- Who is more likely to be the one to say sorry after a fight?
- Who asked the other out?
- Who is more likely to initiate physical affection?
- Who is more likely to forget an important date?
- Who is the biggest flirt?
- Who is the jokester?
- Who picked the first dance song?
- Who is more likely to want a big wedding?
- Who is more likely to decide what to eat for dinner?
- Who planned more of the wedding?
- Who is more creative?
- Who is the better gift-giver?
Funny Questions for "He Said, She Said"
For an extra dose of laughter at your party, sprinkle in these hilarious "He Said, She Said" bridal shower game questions to boost the fun!
- Who wears the pants in your relationship?
- Who is most likely to be running late?
- Who is more likely to be the one to sing in the shower?
- Who will cry at the wedding?
- Who takes the longer shower?
- Who takes the most selfies?
- Who has more patience?
- Who is more grumpy in the morning?
- Who is more likely to be the first one up in the morning?
- Who is the better cook?
- Who is more talkative?
- Who's more organized?
- Who is in charge of the remote control?
- Who is more likely to plan the vacation?
- Who's more likely to eat the last slice?
- Who has the crazier family?
- Who has more shoes?
- Who has the most obnoxious friends?
- Who does the grocery shopping?
- Who is more likely to get a traffic ticket?
- Who is the biggest baby when they're sick?
- Who is more likely to forget important dates?
- Who is most likely to get lost?
- Who is more likely to run out of gas when driving?
- Who spends all the money?
- Who is more likely to forget an anniversary?
- Who is the funniest?
- Who is the better dancer?
- Who's the better cook?
- Who's always right?
- Who's more likely to be the one to start a conversation about having children?
- Who is the better driver?
- Who brought up marriage first?
- Who is the first one up on the weekend?
- Who is more of the handyman?
More Questions for "He Said, She Said"
If the couple shares a hobby or is passionate about certain activities, you can include related questions or theme the game around those interests.
Travel Questions:
- Who is more likely to be the navigator during road trips?
- Who usually plans the itinerary for their vacations?
- Who is more likely to forget to pack something important?
- Who takes more photos during their trips?
- Who is more likely to strike up a conversation with locals while traveling?
Foodie Questions:
- Who is more adventurous when trying new cuisines?
- Who is the better cook between the two?
- Who is more likely to suggest trying a new recipe?
- Who enjoys cooking together as a bonding activity?
- Who is more likely to order dessert at a restaurant?
Book Lover Questions:
- Who is more likely to stay up late reading a book?
- Who reads more non-fiction books?
- Who enjoys discussing books with friends and recommending reads?
- Who is more likely to re-read their favorite books?
- Who has a larger collection of books at home?
Explore and Personalize our Most Popular "He Said, She Said" Designs!
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